Internal medicine involves the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of conditions affecting the internal organs, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. This process involves a combination of an in-depth review of a patient’s medical history along with a comprehensive physical examination and a variety of diagnostic tests.
Tools such as blood screens, x-rays and ultrasound imaging allow us to gain valuable insight into what’s happening inside your pet’s body so that an accurate and timely diagnosis can be reached, and the appropriate treatment strategy can be implemented.
At Animal Hospital of Crested Butte, we are pleased to offer internal medicine services to help manage the ongoing health of our patients. In particular, we offer oxygen supplementation, IV fluid therapy, and hospitalization if necessary. Additionally, our in-house diagnostic lab facilitates timely and accurate test results, and our telemedicine services offer an added level of convenience to existing clientele.
Rest assured that whatever may be ailing your four-legged family member, we are well-equipped and fully prepared to get to the bottom of it so that we can help return your pet to a normal, healthy lifestyle as soon as possible.