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Veterinary House Calls: Are They Right For You? 

July 1 2024

Is your pet due for a trip to the vet? We know, most of our patients would rather stay home and take a nap than come into the clinic. We don’t take it personally! We understand that most pets are homebodies at heart. We do everything we can to make trips easy on our patients. In fact, we even do house calls! Read on as a local Gunnison County vet lists some of the benefits veterinary house calls provide.

Why Are House Calls Beneficial To Pets?

We’ve all seen jokes about pets running in fear at the sound of the word ‘vet.’ In truth, animal clinics can make our furry patients quite uneasy. First, there’s the trip over. While many of our canine pals don’t mind car rides, the majority of our feline friends would definitely opt out, given the choice. In fact, for many kitties, the drive into the veterinary clinic is much scarier than the appointment itself. (This is one thing Fido and Fluffy vehemently disagree on, but that’s another topic.)

The clinic itself can also be unsettling. Both dogs and cats have very keen senses of smell. The combined scents of cleaning agents, an unfamiliar area, and new people can be overwhelming enough. Then there are the smells of other nervous pets, some of whom may be sick. That alone is enough to set many pets on edge.

As mentioned above, we are very aware of this, and we always take steps to make appointments as quick, easy, and painless as possible for our patients. Of course, whether your pet is seen at home or in the office, the most important thing is just keeping up with their veterinary care. 

The biggest perk of house calls? It’s easier on the pet. Fluffy and Fido will only have their busy routines of napping, playing, and being adorable briefly interrupted.

What Are Other Reasons To Consider House Calls?

Pets aren’t the only ones who benefit from this approach. It’s also a great option for many people. You won’t have to spend time or gas driving to the clinic, and you won’t have to deal with traffic. You also won’t find yourself sitting in a waiting room.

This can be a great option for anyone who has mobility issues and/or has challenges finding transportation. It’s also a good bet for stay-home parents and people who work at home. Many people who have health issues that make appointments difficult can also benefit.

House calls can be a wonderful choice for anyone who has multiple pets. Otherwise, you’ll need to either make multiple appointments or corral your furry pals to get them in at once. If you have a very large dog, this may be a good choice for you as well.

It’s also worth mentioning that house calls can also be very informative for Fido and Fluffy’s doctor. Being able to observe their patients at home can be quite insightful for veterinarians. 

What Sort Of Appointments Can I Get House Calls For?

Many times, house calls are fine for basic exams. However, they aren’t the right fit for every pet or situation. In some cases, Fido and Fluffy will still need to visit the clinic.

House calls are also becoming popular for another purpose: in-home euthanasia. While we understand that this is a painful topic, we also can’t overstate how much easier this can be on pets and people. Being able to give your furry friend a peaceful, comfortable farewell can help ease that painful moment for many.

If you aren’t sure whether a house call is a good fit for you and your furry friend, talk to your vet about it. 

How Do I Get Ready For A House Call?

You’ll want to have a few things prepared in advance. First and foremost? Corral Fido and Fluffy! You don’t necessarily have to crate them, though that isn’t a bad idea. However, they should be confined to an area where they can’t hide or escape. Otherwise, you may waste valuable time trying to get your kitty out from under the bed!

We would also recommend gathering any paperwork that you may need. This is especially important if you’re starting out with a new vet. In some cases, you may be able to submit the necessary documents online.

If you live in a gated community or building, you may also need to provide any instructions on entry codes or procedures and/or parking.

It’s also not a bad idea to have a guest account set up on your wi-fi, with the password on hand. You don’t have to keep it active after. This is just helpful in case the vet needs to upload or download information, as cell service can be dodgy in some places.

Next, you’ll want to get a spot ready. Your vet will need to be able to examine your pet. If you have a larger dog, the floor will work. For smaller pets, a table or counter could be a good option. You may want to put a plastic tablecloth down, in case of messes.

Lighting is also important. If necessary, you may want to grab a few extra lamps from another room.

Scheduling A House Call

For the most part, scheduling a house call is like scheduling any other appointment. However, we would recommend leaving a cushion around the time slot. If your vet is delayed at the previous appointment, or if your appointment runs late, you won’t be rushing to get to your next commitment.

If you have children, you’ll want to keep them in mind, too. On the one hand, this can be a great time to explain to kids how important it is to take good care of our animal companions. Fido and Fluffy need medical care, just as we do! That said, if your little ones are very active, be sure to provide them with something to occupy themselves with.

Be sure to make notes of any questions you may have. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Every vet appointment is a wonderful chance to learn more about your furry friend and their specific needs.

If your pet is due for preventative care, talk to the veterinary clinic when making the appointment.

Why Are Veterinary House Calls Increasing?

Veterinary house calls have long been the standard for horses and livestock, but for dogs and cats, they weren’t really that common until recently. Advances in mobile technology have been a game changer here. There’s been an increasing demand for house calls in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a great option for Fido and Fluffy, who get to stay safe and sound in their own domains. It can also be very convenient for the owner as well.

Conclusion: Veterinary house calls can be a wonderful option, as they allow pets to stay relaxed and comfortable in their own homes. However, they aren’t going to be right for every pet or situation. Treatments should always be offered on a case-by-case basis, so ask your Gunnison County vet for specific advice. 

Schedule An Appointment With Your Gunnison County Animal Clinic

Do you have questions about veterinary house calls? Is your animal companion due for an exam? Contact us, your local Gunnison County pet hospital, today. We are dedicated to offering top-notch care.

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